We are accepting new patients. Dental emergency during free days in Bratislava. Call 02 5464 7417 and speak with the doctor directly.

Dr. Alexander Schill


The founder of the Schill Dental Clinic chain in Slovakia and the Czech Republic. He is also the chief dentist with specializations in Preventative dentistry, Endodontics, Prosthesis and Implantology.

Alexander Schill

25 years of experience and lifelong fulfillment

At the very beginning, there was one dental chair, which turned into a small workplace and later a network of 4 perfectly equipped private dental clinics. Dr. Schill has been searching for new solutions not only for demanding dental procedures, but also for clinic management.

“I consider complex dental reconstructions in physically disabled patients to be the most complicated cases. In my daily dental work, I focus on making sure the execution is perfect. Correct diagnostics, painlessness and attention to detail with the aim of the teeth looking natural are imperative,” he adds.

Primár Alexander Schill

“Work that is about meeting patients”

Therefor, a human approach is first and foremost at Schill Dental Clinic. “We have a good organisation of work, which results in a short appointment booking and overall quick resolution of problems,” Dr. Schill says.

He decided to become a dentist because his mother was also a dentist. At work, he is fulfilled by helping others, diversity and constant challenges.

In his free time he enjoys sports, traveling and cooking.

MUDr. Alexander Schill v ordinácii

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who takes care of you
17 experts

They are among the top dentists in the Czech Republic and Slovakia.

The whole team of MUDr. Schill

You deserve top-quality care

  • Appointments within 48 hours
  • Precise and painless treatment
  • Five-year guarantee

Get to know the Schill Dental Clinic team

“In a few hours we can completely change the aesthetics and functionality of the teeth”

His favourite part of of the job are the ‘transformations’. Teeth are an important part of the overall appearance. Dental transformations can help both medically and aesthetically. People will literally regain their self-confidence in a few hours.

“I mainly focus on quality work with long-lasting results. At our dental clinic, we will find a reliable solution to almost every dental problem,” he describes his work at the Schill Dental Clinic.

MDDr. Vladimír Strečko, vedúci lekár v Schill Dental Clinic Košice.

A fascinated dentist who understands you

He has always been fascinated by his visits to his dentist and, as a result, he chose the path of dentistry and not general medicine.

“I remember the sound of a turbine drill, the characteristic smell of a dental clinic and the screams of children. I always wanted to be a hero and I didn’t even peep during any dental treatment,“ he recalls his bygone visits to the dentist.

That might be the reason why he likes the individual psychology aspect of a person in his job as a dentist, when he manages to eliminate people’s fear of dental treatment.

In addition to dentistry, he will also find time for cooking, nature, mushroom picking, guitar playing, sports and the study of Slavic languages.

Stomatológ, zubný chirurg a implantológ v Košiciach.

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who takes care of you
17 experts

They are among the top dentists in the Czech Republic and Slovakia.

The whole team of MUDr. Schill

You deserve top-quality care

  • Appointments within 48 hours
  • Precise and painless treatment
  • Five-year guarantee

Get to know the Schill Dental Clinic team

Get an appointment with our dentist specializing in treatments of all the areas of restorative dentistry for both children and adults.

Dr. Strečkova has great attention to aesthetics and detail. Her work is based on not only being a meticulous dentist but also on the psychological preparation of the patient. She considers overcoming the fear of dental treatments to be an especially important step to a successful result and a shining smile.

Predstavujeme vám dr Strečkovú v Košickom tíme zubárov

“I value my experience the most in complex dental reconstructions”

Dr. Kučera makes a point of informing his patients about all treatment options and making sure they always have an alternative. At the same time, he wants them to understand their problem.

“Schill Dental Clinic is a private dental clinic where everything is in one place, from dental hygiene, through orthodontics to surgery,” he explains his decision to join the team.

Dr. Tomas Kucera

Every patient is different …

And comes with a story of their own. The demands on a dentist vary depending on the patient’s profession or hobbies, and therefore he considers interpersonal communication to be the most important.

The reason he chose the profession of being a dentist is the ability to help patients quickly: “The dentist often sees that the patient feels better immediately after the treatment.

In his free time, he enjoys spending time with his family, gardening, cycling and skiing.

Doktor s pacientom v ambulancii

Have a look
who takes care of you
17 experts

They are among the top dentists in the Czech Republic and Slovakia.

The whole team of MUDr. Schill

You deserve top-quality care

  • Appointments within 48 hours
  • Precise and painless treatment
  • Five-year guarantee

Get to know the Schill Dental Clinic team

“The feeling I like the most is that I can help patients to lead a happier life.”

There is nothing more beautiful than a good laugh. Sometimes we are held back by fear or the feeling of shame because of imperfect teeth. Thanks to her years-long experience, she has the opportunity to give patients a healthy and beautiful smile to make them feel comfortable again.

“We work with the highest quality materials and state-of-the-art technology in our clinic.” she considers the greatest benefits of the private dental clinic Schill Dental Clinic.

Quality, aesthetics and patient satisfaction.

She discovered her love for medicine during her childhood. And the fact that, thanks to her work, she can return joy and smiles to her patients just keeps this love growing. She has a personal approach to each patient and always tries to do everything the best way possible.

“Every case is unique and my goal is to combine functionality, aesthetics and client’s requirements.” MUDr. Lívia Kovalčíková describes her work.

In her free time, she likes to spend time with her family, doing sports, traveling or reading a good book.

Have a look
who takes care of you
17 experts

They are among the top dentists in the Czech Republic and Slovakia.

The whole team of MUDr. Schill

You deserve top-quality care

  • Rýchly termín
  • Precízne a bezbolestné ošetrenie
  • 5-ročná záruka

Get to know the Schill Dental Clinic team

“We can help patients, which were told by other dentists that it is impossible“

He often deals with reconstructions of the entire dentition, when everything must work as intended. He enjoys working with people and their reactions when they see a change in their smile: “I often check if my patients are uncomfortable and I continuously describe the procedure, what is happening right now. They always appreciate it in retrospect.”

It is important to him that during work he has the feeling of happiness from the newly formed dentition, that he is in a workplace, where everything under one roof and has the option of using modern instruments, technologies and procedures.

V Žiline máme šikovného zubného lekára, ktorý urobí všetko preto, aby ste nemali ani sekundu strach.

Dentist’s work performed at the maximum

He cares particularly for the approach and the quality of his performed work. In the dental office he always gives it his all and that is also why he has gained the trust and smiles of our patients.

There is nobody else in the family of MDDr. Guts with a medical background, he was motivated by his dentist, a true expert in oral surgery, who he has visited for years. Even as a young boy he knew that dentistry offers a wide range of true art and the blooming of imagination, the option not only to treat but also to create beauty and give his patients the gift of a new, happy life.

Už od detstva vedel, že bude zubárom

Have a look
who takes care of you
17 experts

They are among the top dentists in the Czech Republic and Slovakia.

The whole team of MUDr. Schill

You deserve top-quality care

  • Rýchly termín
  • Precízne a bezbolestné ošetrenie
  • 5-ročná záruka

Get to know the Schill Dental Clinic team

“Painless treatments are my strong suit”

She tries to treat each patient with a special approach and gain their trust.

“Why Schill Dental Clinic? That’s simple! Cutting-edge system and technologies – which are not available at every clinic – a human approach to patients and, most importantly, doctors that know what to do.”

Nataliia has always been close to dentistry. She continued in the footsteps of her mother, who is also a dentist.

In her free time she likes to play tennis, snowboards in the winter, and recently has been charmed by hiking.

“A top clinic gives you a wide range of options.”

Thanks to these possibilities, it is possible to literally “create” a satisfied and smiling patient.

“We know how to take care of the patient professionally and in a comprehensive manner, we have the latest technologies and a perfectly cooperating professional staff. All of this guarantees patient satisfaction,” she tells the benefits of Schill Dental Clinic.

Dobrá zubárka v Bratislave

She prefers an individual and sensitive approach

Teeth should be healthy first and foremost, but they should also look aesthetically pleasing. Therefore, she primarily focuses on an approach, which results in quality, painlessness and perfect aesthetics.

She considers oncological or post-traumatic patients to be the most complicated cases.

She has always wanted to be a doctor and treat people. She decided to specialise in dentistry during her studies at the Faculty of Medicine.

She spends her time in private with her family and relaxes while running.

MUDr. Henrieta Tomášová

Have a look
who takes care of you
17 experts

They are among the top dentists in the Czech Republic and Slovakia.

The whole team of MUDr. Schill

You deserve top-quality care

  • Appointments within 48 hours
  • Precise and painless treatment
  • Five-year guarantee

Get to know the Schill Dental Clinic team

“A good doctor must keep moving forward”

In her early days, MUDr. Majerníková focused on aesthetic dentistry, paediatric dentistry, endodontics and prosthetics. Since 2009, her steps have led to orthodontics, and three years later she defended her attestation thesis, passed the exam and obtained her specialisation in the field of orthodontics. She regularly participates in congresses, educational events and practical courses organised in Slovakia and abroad, focusing on the latest knowledge in orthodontics.

Ortodoncia Bratislava

The motivation was “not to work night shifts”

The doctor’s funny answer to the question of what attracted her to her career in dentistry. This has come true for her and in addition to the fact that MUDr. Majerníková works at a clinic in Bratislava, she also visits the Žilina branch of our clinics. “There are very few orthodontists and many patients. I would like to help and treat as many patients as possible and this is the maximum I can do.“


Have a look
who takes care of you
17 experts

They are among the top dentists in the Czech Republic and Slovakia.

The whole team of MUDr. Schill

You deserve top-quality care

  • Precise and painless treatment
  • Five-year guarantee

Get to know the Schill Dental Clinic team

Nina graduated as a nurse and dental technician, and over time she became fascinated by dental hygiene.

“My favourite part of my job is working with the patients personally, because as a dental technician I didn’t have such “access to the mouth”. I like the result after cleaning, how the teeth shine through and, of course, having achieved a healthy state of the periodontum.”

What she appreciates the most about working at Schill Dental Clinic is the expertise, individual and professional approach to all patients as well as to all employees.

Nina Oparty

“It is very important to me that the patients feel comfortable during the cleaning, that they feel good about it, that they look forward to the treatment and are not afraid of it.”

During her many years of work, she encountered cases of severe periodontal disease, where teeth almost fell out by themselves or cases of exceptionally thick tartar.

Nina is a mother of 3 children, she likes a good movie, painting and modelling.

Nina Oparty - hygiena pardonu

Have a look
who takes care of you
17 experts

They are among the top dentists in the Czech Republic and Slovakia.

The whole team of MUDr. Schill

You deserve top-quality care

  • Precízne a bezbolestné ošetrenie
  • Ošetríme aj deti
  • Za svoju prácu ručíme

Get to know the Schill Dental Clinic team

“Every single case can be the most difficult if underestimated”

Therefore, he always strives to ensure that the tooth is properly treated in every aspect, but also makes the treatment as pleasant as possible for the patient.

He considers Schill Dental Clinic to be exceptional: “Because we try to practice the best medicine possible and we do not look for the difficulties of the situation.”

MDDr. František Hobinka, stomatológ v Schill Dental Clinic Bratislava.

“When I was 15, the doctor found 9 caries in my mouth”

He did not choose the profession of being a dentist by chance, he was motivated by his childhood and the fact that healthcare is their family tradition. At the same time, he has always been fulfilled by helping people. In his work, he enjoys the communication with the patient and their satisfaction after the procedure the most.

In his spare time, he remained faithful to sports, especially football and tennis, which he once played competitively.

MDDr. Hobinka v ambulancii Schill Bratislava.

Have a look
who takes care of you
17 experts

They are among the top dentists in the Czech Republic and Slovakia.

The whole team of MUDr. Schill

You deserve top-quality care

  • Appointments within 48 hours
  • Precise and painless treatment
  • Five-year guarantee

Get to know the Schill Dental Clinic team

Each patient is individual

And they require an individual approach. The work of a dentist is never monotonous. Various human characters sit in the dental chair. “But I like it best when any human mood turns into a satisfied and smiling result thanks to me, my approach and work,” MDDr. Kučerová describes her work.

She chose Schill Dental Clinic because it provides comprehensive care at the highest level. She can provide a high standard of services and the dentists can fulfil their potential here.


Stomatologička Schill

General medicine vs. dentistry

Dentistry has won and the relationship she has developed with this field continues to this day. It is the motivation that forces her to constantly move forward and never stop learning.

She considers a complex reconstruction of dentition in a difficult patient to be her most complicated case.

Outside of work, she enjoys sports, travel and spending time with family.

Schill Bratislava

Have a look
who takes care of you
17 experts

They are among the top dentists in the Czech Republic and Slovakia.

The whole team of MUDr. Schill

You deserve top-quality care

  • Appointment within 48 hours
  • Precise and painless treatment
  • Five-year guarantee

Get to know the Schill Dental Clinic team

Erika keeps increasing her professionalism at scientific seminars and follows new trends in the area of dental care so that she can create an individual treatment plan for each patient.

“I focus on thoroughness, precision and understanding of the entire context of dental hygiene. One professional cleaning every 6 months is not enough, I need the patient’s cooperation in at-home care.”

As a child she had an unpleasant experience at the dentist’s office. That is why she is trying to educate her patients now, so that they do not lose their teeth prematurely.

As she claims, “no two patients are the same and you need to approach each one specifically”. She has experience with advanced periodontitis with second degree mobility, treating a patient with haemophilia A, treating a paediatric patient under general anaesthesia or treating a child with a mental disorder.

“Quality, technology and experience are the three pillars of dental care in the 21st century. You will find them at Schill Dental Clinic.”

What she likes about her work the most is the result but she is even happier when she sees the results from the patients during their subsequent visits. The fact that her patients trust her, cooperate and take care of their teeth at home is invaluable.

Apart from her work, Erika likes travelling, snowboarding, photography and she is a Marvel fan. And to top it all off, she enjoys doing make-up and eyebrow shaping using a henna technique, for which she holds a certificate.

Have a look
who takes care of you
17 experts

They are among the top dentists in the Czech Republic and Slovakia.

The whole team of MUDr. Schill

You deserve top-quality care

  • Precízne a bezbolestné ošetrenie
  • Ošetríme aj deti
  • Za svoju prácu ručíme

Get to know the Schill Dental Clinic team

„It is important that the patient leaves with a big smile“

And that the teeth are perfectly clean. As a result of that, we can not only prevent many problems and diseases, but also treat the ones already existing. Gradually and together. “Prevention is the alpha and omega of oral health and that is why I make a point of providing detailed instructions to patients and explain to them how to take care of their teeth at home, so that they return to us only once a year for a check-up and professional cleaning.”

Dentálna hygiena Schill

“Every patient requires an individual approach”

They will get that at Schill Dental Clinic. Apart from that, they will find everything under one roof so going from a hygienist’s office to a dentist’s office or taking an X-ray takes only a few steps. We treat patients comprehensively from A to Z.

Denisa Horváthová

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who takes care of you
17 experts

They are among the top dentists in the Czech Republic and Slovakia.

The whole team of MUDr. Schill

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  • Za svoju prácu ručíme

Get to know the Schill Dental Clinic team

Dental hygiene is team work

For Radoslava, dental hygiene is a set of non-negligible steps leading to healthier teeth: “A dental hygienist walks with you. It is ideal when you work as a team and celebrate your progress together. That is one of the reasons why I really care about instructions and patient motivation.”

She chose Schill Dental Clinic due to its comprehensive services, pleasant environment and an affable and professional approach.

Dentálna hygiena Bratislava

“I have always been fascinated by teeth”

She was always praised at her regular check-ups while in elementary school. She is precise and cares about details and that may also have been one of the reasons why she decided to study dental hygiene.

She enjoys communicating with patients the most about her work. With her work she has a real opportunity to improve the state of the oral cavity of every patient.

She considers a patient with hyperplastic gingiva with massive bleeding to be her most difficult case.

In her private life she mainly enjoys travelling.

Dentálna hygienička

Have a look
who takes care of you
17 experts

They are among the top dentists in the Czech Republic and Slovakia.

The whole team of MUDr. Schill

You deserve top-quality care

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  • Ošetríme aj deti
  • Za svoju prácu ručíme

Get to know the Schill Dental Clinic team

“Severe periodontitis can also be managed”

During his work as a dental hygienist, he has also encountered really difficult cases: “The most difficult case was a patient with periodontitis in the entire dentition. I consider it a great success that the patient still has their own teeth after the dental procedure, they are stabilised without periodontal sacs, abscesses and without inflammation.”

He appreciates working at the Schill Dental Clinic due to high expertise at the dental clinic, the quality of the services provided and the professional approach to the patient’s problems.

Mgr. Branislav Kohan v ambulancii Schill Dental Clinic v Košiciach.

He likes a satisfied client the most about his work

He is especially satisfied with the feeling of having the work done professionally, particularly when the patients leave the clinic smiling and satisfied.

“I consider dental hygiene to be a promising field of healthcare. And my own experience has confirmed that regular dental hygiene is absolutely necessary in the context of dental prevention,“ he concludes.

In addition to his work, he enjoys sports and hiking.

Mgr. Kohan v ordinácii dentálnej hygieny v Košiciach.

Have a look
who takes care of you
17 experts

They are among the top dentists in the Czech Republic and Slovakia.

The whole team of MUDr. Schill

You deserve top-quality care

  • Painless and precise treatment
  • We guarantee our work

Get to know the Schill Dental Clinic team

“At Schill Dental Clinic, we have a great desire to help”

“I recommend Schill Dental Clinic for its professional approach, quality, expertise, knowledgeable staff and especially for the great desire to help,” he describes his work at Schill Dental Clinic.

He can talk to his patients about any topic, he likes the overall satisfaction of his patients and their healthy teeth.

He was inspired to pursue dental hygiene by his sister while she was in her 3rd year of studying at the Faculty of Medicine.

In addition to working as a dental hygienist, he enjoys hiking, traveling and cooking.

Bc. Jozef Králik je dentálny hygienik v Schill Dental Clinic Žilina.

Have a look
who takes care of you
17 experts

They are among the top dentists in the Czech Republic and Slovakia.

The whole team of MUDr. Schill

You deserve top-quality care

  • Painless and precise treatment
  • We guarantee our work

Get to know the Schill Dental Clinic team

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Dentálna hygienička s pacientkou pri dentálnej hygiene.
Primár Alexander Schill
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